The Guguniverse

Tag: governments

  • Predicting the past

    Predicting the past

    Retro-predictions were one of those ideas that appear seemingly out of nowhere and are so obvious, that it is surprising nobody thought about them before. Traditional – or rather forward – predictions guess what might happen. The algorithm trains with billions of historized events, finding the common patterns between them and how events typically follow […]

  • Delayed law enforcement

    Delayed law enforcement

    While many enjoyed broadcasting every second of their lives, others dreaded being unknowingly historized. And rightly so: cases of pedophiles, stalkers, and thieves using History became increasingly common. The media was obsessed, and not only out of a sense of duty to report on relevant happenings: they feared being displaced by it and becoming obsolete. […]

  • A Game of Wormholes

    A Game of Wormholes

    “She just went through another one!” Everyone else in the room switched their attention to the technician. “Which one?” “It’s not on the map, I think. Looks like an inner patio with exits to several streets.” He typed some incantations that the computer answered with an address. “Which streets?” Asked another technician while the security […]

  • Live your History, live

    Live your History, live

    While this East-West schism shook geopolitics and the History Company pursued their quest to historize the world, the Human Data Corporation was trying to figure out its own future. They didn’t want to completely depend on their former colleagues, but still believed that History would revolutionize the world, becoming the main storage of human information […]